Tuesday, May 25, 2010

hello !

Hi ! Bonjour ! Hola ! Aloha ! Bok !

My name's Nikki and I have been inspired to start a fatshion blog. This is all new to me, because I was always told that I must dress in a certain way because I looked a certain way. I have been creating and developing my personal style and this blog will take you along for the journey. Because I go to cyberschool, I don't have a need to get all cute everyday, so as of right now, my posts will be sporatic but hopefully I can stick to my guns and be a regular blogger. I hope people actually start reading this and I can actually be typing to people rather than just myself.

Also, it won't just be fashion or fatshion on this blog, it'll be a bunch of stuff that you (hopefully) can feast your eyes upon.



  1. i cant wait to see what you have in store!

  2. welcome to blogspot!
    I look forward to watching your blog grow.
    Love Poppy

  3. Welcome to the fatshiong blog world! Very excited to see the lovely things you have in store for us! :)

    -Christina <3
