Monday, June 21, 2010

my apologies.

I felt that I needed to at least give you guys an update of what's going on in my life. My life has been super busy and rediculous. The only day that I wore a cute outfit was to a funeral, and I felt that it was inappropriate to take a picture.
Today, I'm meeting my dad for lunch and I'm going to talk to him about some heavy stuff that I've never had the confidence in doing, so wish me luck. I'm really nervous and scared, which is why I've been up since 8:30, and I don't even have to babysit this morning.
Oh yeah, and I got a job type thing. I babysit my two cousins every other morning. I make more than minimum wage, and I don't have to do that much, so this is okay for me.
I'm sorry that I haven't been updating as I would've liked, but life is taking over, and I've got some shit that I have to take care of. If you really want to keep updated in my life (which I don't see why you wouldn't!) add me on facebook or follow me on twitter.
Anyway, since this post is COMPLETELY boring and has no pictures, why don't you tell me what's been going on in your life.

Loveyouall !


  1. Congrats on the job! I had to take a break for about a week recently from blogging too, even though I want to update every single day its tough when there are things going on in your personal life! xo

  2. congratulations on the job, and good luck with your daddy!

  3. There's no need to apologize for taking a break! If you need one, take one, I really like your blog!

  4. Hi!
    I just found your blog and I love it! Following you :)

    Welcome to enjoy and follow at

    <3 Anika
